324 research outputs found


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    An Explorative Study on Document Type Assignment of Review Articles in Web of Science, Scopus and Journals' Website

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    Accurately assigning the document type of review articles in citation index databases like Web of Science(WoS) and Scopus is important. This study aims to investigate the document type assignation of review articles in web of Science, Scopus and Journals' website in a large scale. 27,616 papers from 160 journals from 10 review journal series indexed in SCI are analyzed. The document types of these papers labeled on journals' website, and assigned by WoS and Scopus are retrieved and compared to determine the assigning accuracy and identify the possible reasons of wrongly assigning. For the document type labeled on the website, we further differentiate them into explicit review and implicit review based on whether the website directly indicating it is review or not. We find that WoS and Scopus performed similarly, with an average precision of about 99% and recall of about 80%. However, there were some differences between WoS and Scopus across different journal series and within the same journal series. The assigning accuracy of WoS and Scopus for implicit reviews dropped significantly. This study provides a reference for the accuracy of document type assigning of review articles in WoS and Scopus, and the identified pattern for assigning implicit reviews may be helpful to better labeling on website, WoS and Scopus

    Verification of functional and non-functional requirements of web service composition

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    Abstract. Web services have emerged as an important technology nowadays. There are two kinds of requirements that are crucial to web service composition, which are functional and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements focus on functionality of the composed service, e.g., given a booking service, an example of functional requirements is that a flight ticket with price higher than $2000 will never be purchased. Non-functional requirements are concerned with the quality of service (QoS), e.g., an example of the booking service’s non-functional requirements is that the service will respond to the user within 5 sec-onds. Non-functional requirements are important to web service composition, and are often an important clause in service-level agreements (SLAs). Even though the functional requirements are satisfied, a slow or unreliable service may still not be adopted. In our paper, we propose an automated approach to verify combined functional and non-functional requirements directly based on the semantics of web service composition. Our approach has been implemented and evaluated on the real-world case studies, which demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

    Efficient detoxication of hydroxylamine and nitrite through heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification by Acinetobacter johnsonii EN-J1

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    The co-existence of hydroxylamine (NH2OH) and nitrite (NO2–-N) can aggravate the difficulty of wastewater treatment. The roles of hydroxylamine (NH2OH) and nitrite (NO2–-N) in accelerating the elimination of multiple nitrogen sources by a novel isolated strain of Acinetobacter johnsonii EN-J1 were investigated in this study. The results demonstrated that strain EN-J1 could eliminate 100.00% of NH2OH (22.73 mg/L) and 90.09% of NO2–-N (55.32 mg/L), with maximum consumption rates of 1.22 and 6.75 mg/L/h, respectively. Prominently, the toxic substances NH2OH and NO2–-N could both facilitate nitrogen removal rates. Compared with the control treatment, the elimination rates of nitrate (NO3–-N) and NO2–-N were enhanced by 3.44 and 2.36 mg/L/h after supplementation with 10.00 mg/L NH2OH, and those of ammonium (NH4+-N) and NO3–-N were improved by 0.65 and 1.00 mg/L/h after the addition of 50.00 mg/L NO2–-N. Furthermore, the nitrogen balance results indicated that over 55.00% of the initial total nitrogen was transformed into gaseous nitrogen by heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification (HN-AD). Ammonia monooxygenase (AMO), hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO), nitrate reductase (NR), and nitrite reductase (NIR), which are essential for HN-AD, were detected at levels of 0.54, 0.15, 0.14, and 0.01 U/mg protein, respectively. All findings confirmed that strain EN-J1 could efficiently execute HN-AD, detoxify NH2OH and NO2–-N, and ultimately promote nitrogen removal rates

    Optimizing selection of competing features via feedback-directed evolutionary algorithms

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    Software that support various groups of customers usually require complicated configurations to attain different functionalities. To model the configuration options, feature model is proposed to capture the commonalities and competing variabilities of the product variants in software family or Software Product Line (SPL). A key challenge for deriving a new product is to find a set of features that do not have inconsistencies or conflicts, yet optimize multiple objectives (e.g., minimizing cost and maximizing number of features), which are often competing with each other. Existing works have attempted to make use of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to address this problem. In this work, we incorporated a novel feedback-directed mechanism into existing EAs. Our empirical results have shown that our method has improved noticeably over all unguided version of EAs on the optimal feature selection. In particular, for case studies in SPLOT and LVAT repositories, the feedback-directed Indicator-Based EA (IBEA) has increased the number of correct solutions found by 72.33% and 75%, compared to unguided IBEA. In addition, by leveraging a pre-computed solution, we have found 34 sound solutions for Linux X86, which contains 6888 features, in less than 40 seconds.No Full Tex

    The Impact of Intracerebral Hemorrhage on the Progression of White Matter Hyperintensity

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    Objective: The exact relationship between white matter hyperintensity (WMH) and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) after ICH remains unclear. In this retrospective study, we investigated whether patients with ICH had more severe WMH progression.Patients and Methods: A total of 2,951 patients aged ≥40 years with ICH who received brain computed tomography (CT) imaging within 12 h of ICH symptom onset were screened. Ninety patients with two fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessments, including 36 patients with Lobar ICH, 40 with basal ganglia region ICH and 14 with ICH at other sites, were included in the final study. We selected 90 age- and gender-matched healthy individuals with two MRI scans as the control group. The WMH volumes at baseline and follow-up were assessed using the FLAIR image by MRICRON and ITK-SNAP software, while the hematoma volumes were calculated based on the CT images using ITK-SNAP software.Results: The annual progression rate of WMH was significantly higher in the ICH group compared with the control group (p < 0.05). Furthermore, WMH progression was associated with the ICH volume. The largest ICH volume (>30 mL) was associated with the highest annual progression rate of WMH (p < 0.05). In contrast, no trend toward an association between ICH location and the annual progression rate of WMH was observed (p > 0.05).Conclusions: Our results showed that ICH patients had more severe WMH progression and that larger ICH volume was related to greater progression of WMH after ICH. These results could provide important prognostic information about patients with ICH

    Optimizing selection of competing services with probabilistic hierarchical refinement

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    Recently, many large enterprises (e.g., Netflix, Amazon) have decomposed their monolithic application into services, and composed them to fulfill their business functionalities. Many hosting services on the cloud, with different Quality of Service (QoS) (e.g., availability, cost), can be used to host the services. This is an example of competing services. QoS is crucial for the satisfaction of users. It is important to choose a set of services that maximize the overall QoS, and satisfy all QoS requirements for the service composition. This problem, known as optimal service selection, is NP-hard. Therefore, an effective method for reducing the search space and guiding the search process is highly desirable. To this end, we introduce a novel technique, called Probabilistic Hierarchical Refinement (ProHR). ProHR effectively reduces the search space by removing competing services that cannot be part of the selection. ProHR provides two methods, probabilistic ranking and hierarchical refinement, that enable smart exploration of the reduced search space. Unlike existing approaches that perform poorly when QoS requirements become stricter, ProHR maintains high performance and accuracy, independent of the strictness of the QoS requirements. ProHR has been evaluated on a publicly available dataset, and has shown significant improvement over existing approaches.No Full Tex